Chris' Corner -- Sunday, September 27, 2020
As much time as we spend on the internet, social media, television watching, and radio listening, surely we can see the benefits of modern technology in helping us in our Bible study and spiritual growth.
We are always looking for new resources in this effort, and we have published many of these over the past few months. One thing we have learned during the pandemic is finding ways to join with others in Bible study and fellowship to be uplifted and encouraged by fellow brethren we didn’t know before. It has brought us closer to the church worldwide.
We continue to stress our PTP subscription for the congregation. Only a few have taken advantage of this since the change took place in the login process. Why not check it out at The address is available near the top of page 2 in our weekly bulletin. If you have any questions please see Chris or Jeri.
Another great resource is According to their website, “The Light Network is an organized group of podcasts designed to encourage your soul, enlighten your mind, and empower your faith.” These podcasts are for men and woman. They offer podcasts about parenting, archaeology, preaching, worship, book reviews, mental illness, physical fitness and wellness, getting started as a new Christian, and being a godly wife, Christian Evidences, mentoring, preacher/teacher topics, culture, marriage, raising children and teens, and much more. The Light Network’s podcasts can be accessed in iTunes, the Google Play Store, Stitcher Radio, and on their website. TLN also publishes to their social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest. These folks are all members of the Lord’s church.
We recommend (Internet Radio for Churches of Christ). You can download their app on your phone or iPad, as well as listen on your PC. When you tune in you’ll see it’s more than just listening. You also can watch auditorium Bible classes, as well as ladies and teen sessions. If you have to stay at home due to sickness or caring for a loved one, there are links to live stream worship services.
When it comes to scripturally sound and scientifically accurate materials in the field of Christian apologetics, there’s nothing in our Church of Christ brotherhood that compares to The website is jam-packed with written material and multimedia, books, magazines, videos, Bible class curriculum. Topics include: creation vs. evolution, the existence of God and inspiration of the Bible. There are studies on Islam and other religions, alleged discrepancies or contradictions in the Bible, America’s culture war, and doctrinal matters.
If you are ever looking for basic answers on any Bible topic, go to For many years Wayne Jackson set out to answer questions sent in by his readers. Now there is a wealth of information dedicated to answering Bible questions on any topic. Wayne’s son, Jared, a writer in his own right, has taken the reins of the publishing company and website. Jared also maintains another good website and resource for study Be sure
to check out the Fortify Your Faith YouTube channel.
I hope you take advantage of these resources. If you have a computer or cell phone you are already set to be able reach out and take advantage of these things. Our world is geared
toward technology. You can hardly go anywhere without being confronted with it. Why not use these resources to further your understanding of the Bible and other topics associated with the scriptures?