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John Allan
Aug 7, 2022
Every now and again people who claim to be Christians...
Every now and again people who claim to be Christians say things that suggest belief in Jesus Christ isn’t essential. They often do it...
John Allan
Jul 31, 2022
Now that our Vacation Bible School has concluded...
Now that our Vacation Bible School has concluded, we can take a few moments and “debrief” on the event. First, so many “thank you”s are...
John Allan
Jul 24, 2022
Prayer is a vital component of Christianity...
Prayer is a vital component of Christianity, but there are many misconceptions about how it “works.” Jesus refutes at least three...
John Allan
Jul 17, 2022
While Moses was on Month Sinai...
While Moses was on Mount Sinai the Israelites demanded of Aaron "Come, make us gods that shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the...
John Allan
Jul 10, 2022
This past week I began publicly inviting...
This past week I began publicly inviting our members to submit Bible questions for an upcoming “Questions and Answers” type sermon. I...
John Allan
Jul 3, 2022
Shortly after Judas left to betray Jesus...
Shortly after Judas left to betray Jesus, our Lord told the apostles their brotherly love would be a defining characteristic. "A new...
John Allan
Jun 26, 2022
Earl Nightingale is credited with...
Earl Nightingale is credited with saying if you want to be successful at something, observe what everybody else is doing and do the exact...
John Allan
Jun 19, 2022
Today is "Father's Day"...
Today is “Father’s Day” in the United States. And when prominent holidays pop up on the calendar, I often think a little about why I, as...
John Allan
Jun 12, 2022
Imagine the stock market dropped...
Imagine the stock market dropped 50 percent overnight. If you aren’t into stocks, imagine your home’s value plunged: when you woke up it...
John Allan
Jun 5, 2022
Through the centuries man has tried...
Through the centuries man has tried to come up with ways to illustrate the concept of the Godhead: that there is only one God, yet God...
John Allan
May 29, 2022
How do we make sense of the Bible teaching...
How do we make sense of the Bible teaching there is one God, yet also teaching that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit...
John Allan
May 22, 2022
I was surprised a few years ago...
I was surprised a few years ago. The congregation was singing “God Give us Christian Homes” and for some reason my eyes began welling...
John Allan
May 15, 2022
I was listening to a clip of Dave Ramsey’s radio show...
I was listening to a clip of Dave Ramsey’s radio show and my ears perked up when he said he doesn’t think about whether people will be...
John Allan
May 5, 2022
What is needed for a church to be strong...
What is needed for a church to be strong, vibrant, and fruitful? Of course, the simple answer to that question is “Follow the Bible.” But...
John Allan
Apr 24, 2022
Have you ever had a morning where you couldn't find enthusiasm to get up...
Have you ever had a morning where you couldn't find enthusiasm to get up and face the day? Or a day that started well, but by noon the...
John Allan
Apr 17, 2022
I took three Spanish classes in college...
I took three Spanish classes in college. Most memories of them have faded from memory, but I vividly remember one shocking day. A student...
John Allan
Apr 10, 2022
Mark Wolford was a Pentecostal preacher...
Mark Wolford was a Pentecostal preacher in West Virginia. In 2012 he died several hours after being bitten by a rattlesnake. Wolford...
John Allan
Apr 3, 2022
It’s one thing to know Barnabas was called...
It’s one thing to know Barnabas was called “Son of Encouragement” by the apostles. But it’s another to recognize how encouraging he...
John Allan
Mar 27, 2022
Some people claim there's an "80/20" rule...
Some people claim there's an "80/20" rule that governs congregations: 80 percent of the work is done by 20 percent of the people. While...
John Allan
Mar 20, 2022
Many Christians Strive for Faithfulness but...
Many Christians strive for faithfulness but struggle repeatedly with one particular sin. The specific sin, of course, varies from person...
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