Now that our Vacation Bible School has concluded, we can take a few moments and “debrief” on the event.
First, so many “thank you”s are appropriate that it’s hard to know where to start. And I’m hesitant to do so for fear of leaving somebody out.
We have teachers to thank, volunteers too, as well as parents who brought their children and adults who attended faithfully.
It’s easy to look at a job well done and presume it came easily. After all, our volunteers and director certainly made it look easy. But of course, we know better. Things did go smoothly, but it’s because of a combination of good planning and people selflessly stepping up and stepping in to do what needed done.
Second, we got an answer to the question “What will happen if we have a special event?” Many of us grew up going to special events like Gospel Meetings and Vacation Bible School. But the events of 2020 were so shocking and life-altering to people some wondered if live group events like this could ever find an audience again.
It might be that we did not get significant involvement from the community, but our members showed up well.
Some overcame long, hard days at work and still found the energy to come. Some challenged themselves to attend in the evenings even though it was difficult. Your example did not go unnoticed!
It is a good thing when we sacrifice a bit to be sure we (and our children) can be active in the goings-on of the Lord’s Church— whether it’s VBS, Gospel Meetings, or our “normal” weekly services. Thank you for giving of yourself and your time to be sure children (and older members) see the importance you place on your church family and serving our Heavenly Father.
Let’s use the momentum from VBS and commit ourselves to attend services of the Lord’s Church every time we truly can. It's good for us, and will help our friends and neighbors see that church services are important.
Third, we were reminded how quickly time passes. Day by day might have felt long, but the week went rapidly. James was right when he wrote “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” -James 4:14b (NKJV)
Another sincere “Thank you” to all who were a part of planning, preparing, and producing this year’s Vacation Bible School!