I was surprised a few years ago. The congregation was singing “God Give us Christian Homes” and for some reason my eyes began welling with tears.
They’re doing it again now as I think back to the occasion.
I definitely wasn’t expecting it, so I’ve wondered since then what it was that provoked such a strong reaction.
Maybe it was the beauty of the song? To be fair, it certainly sounds lovely when God’s people join together and sing it.
Perhaps it was the words? Some of the most profound songs we sing seem so “simple” we can easily miss how rich the lyrics are. “Jesus Loves Me” is one example. I think “God Give Us Christian Homes” is also one of those songs.
Those things might have contributed, but I think what most affected me in that moment was nostalgia: Memories of childhood—when we sang that song more often—and the home life I experienced. I didn’t always love childhood when I was going through it, but today I’m grateful for it and remember it fondly.
Coupled with that nostalgia is concern that Christian homes like the one I enjoyed sometimes seem like a thing of the past. As if our culture has “progressed” to a point that what was once common might now be going extinct.
Is there anything that can be done? If so, what do we do about it?
We could sit and lament about what’s going on in “other peoples’” homes. We could grumble about how other people don’t read their Bibles very much, or worship God like they should. We can complain about the rise of crime and other sins in neighborhoods. We can rail against drugs and alcohol, fornication and adultery, divorce and marital problems other folks have.
We could do that. And it would be easy to do.
But it would be more productive if we turn attention to ourselves. How am I doing in my home? Do I pay attention to what the Bible says? Am I really striving to know and honor God’s will for the family in my family?
If I’m not working to have my home be a Christian home, how can I expect non-Christians to be interested in turning their home into a Christian home?
It is generally accepted that the church is being more impacted by the world than the world is by the church. Whether this is actually true, our solution is the same: you and I must do our part in faithfully following Jesus.
Will you work to make—and keep—your home a Christian home?
Give it some thought,